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Real pipes are switched on by default. You can switch them on by using

All commands right to pipe symbols are launched as background tasks.
This allows asynchronous data processing.
Real pipes need the PIPE: device to be mounted:
  Make sure you have pipe-handler (OS1.3) or queue-handler (OS2.0+) in L:,
  check DEVS:Mountlist or DEVS:DOSdrivers (OS2.1+) for an entry called
  PIPE: then type "mount pipe:".

If you type in:

    List | MuchMore

in the current shell the command "List >PIPE:ZShellXX" will be started
(XX is a unique number) and a background shell will be launched similar
to the newcli command, which will execute the command
"MuchMore <PIPE:ZShellXX" (XX is the same number as above).

As long as the List command is executed, both shells will be in system
and you can check this out using "show t" from a third shell.
Output of the List command appears directly on the MuchMore screen, you
do not have to wait till the List command finishes.

After the List command has been finished, it waits for the launched shell
to end, just to not confuse you with a prompt. If you do not want to wait,
you can press CTRL-E and you can go on using the first shell. Nevertheless
you cannot start a new pipe until the old one ends.

A drawback however is, that not all commands are able to handle input
out of the PIPE: device, in fact NONE of the internal commands can.
This means that internal commands could not be on the right side of a
pipe symbol if real pipes are used.
You can use MuchMore (by Fridtjof Siebert & Christian Stiens), More
from the Workbench Disk (make sure it is in your path, then use ".more"
to access it) and some other text readers and most  filters .